Well, it's really not supposed to be this temperature here right now.

And I'd like to register an official complaint, plsthx. We've spent the last 20something years in Florida and we are Not Ready for this yet.
So, the newly arrived chestnut trees (and mulberries, and crabapples, and figs) are hanging out in the barn until this madness ceases.

This gives us a few days to finish digging TWO HUNDRED holes though, and then a flurry of planting, installing tree tubes (only 24" tall), and setting up the electric fence. Lots of critters enjoy chestnut trees, even before they start to make nuts, so vigilance - and electricity - will be required.
And then (in about ten years) the back 6 acres will look like this:

Can't. Wait.
The crabapples are an early flowering variety called Prairie Fire:

And a late flowering variety called Harvest Gold:

The majority of our fruit trees will be height pruned at about 7 feet - to avoid spending quite so much time on a ladder during harvest season, yes - but these lovely pollinators will be planted along the east edge of the orchard and allowed to get as tall as they like. Which will be glorious in the spring!
The mulberry trees are dwarf Black Fruiting:

We're starting with two of these and might add more later.
The fig varieties we'll be growing are Peter's Honey:

Beers Black:

Yellow Long Neck:

And Magnolia:

2023 is going to be a good year!